Enrich B.L.E.

Be Enriched Live Enriched & Enrich Others


About Us

In short, Enrich B.L.E. is about allowing ourselves to be spiritually enriched, to live an enriched life and enrich others lives.
Truly, we are enriched by the one true God, His Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and eternally. So how does the person who lacks godly morals, lies, steals, is promiscuous, and is an addict of the pleasures of the world, i.e. one lacking spiritual enrichment be enriched? The answer is an enriched person must enrich the other person. Just like Jesus has done for all those who believe in Him. So what is this page about?It is about facilitating and encouraging enrichment for mutual benefits to the end that our spirits are a little richer each day.


  • Researching:  To discover  truth and draw reasonable conclusions that are useful to the expert and general public. The prudent act with knowledge.
  • Reading: Reading analytically or coming to terms with books that are initially over my head. To the extent that I could explain to others.
  • Teaching large groups and people one-on-one. 

Primary Blogger

Russell Bowers B.A. Biblical Studies
Russell loves being enriched so that through writing, speaking, and working he can enrich the lives of others.

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